Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I've been watching the series "Circus" on PBS. It reminds me of my days at summer camp and how serious our studies actually were, but it really makes me think of what it would be like ot be a circus performer. While away this summer, I read Water for Elephants and I can't help but think this series came about because of the book's success.

Regardless, it makes me wish I had worked on my flexibility and ran away with the circus 10 years ago. I could be flying on a trapeze or spinning aroung in circles on a spanish web or being tossed around with muscley men.

Obviously the book touches on the dark sides of being a part of a circus, but the performance still draws me in. I have not been one to act or improv or anything of that sort, but I seemlessly preformed every year at camp at my perfeced circus acts knowing sure well I was the best.

I miss the days of acrobatics and performance of seemingly hilarious and superfluous acts and the tears it drew to my eyes when I knew it would be no more when I was at home in school.

"Circus" is a series I'm really interested in, but I think following the show would make me regretful of running away to a life of travel and acrobatics. Perhaps I should stay away.

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